Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Let’s hear it from the patent trademark attorney in Latin America

IP law has been structured to render a temporary monopoly to the inventor. Although the period of the patent is limited to a particular time fame however it prevents others from

  •   Making
  •   Using
  •   Selling
  •   Importing the product
As the patent trademark attorney in Latin America quite ideally puts it – patent is basically a license that can be
  • Sold
  • Assigned
  • Transferred
It makes sense to mention here that a patent is only good in the country where it is issued. This means patents must be obtained in all desired countries, wherever you may want your goods to enter. Once the patent reaches its expiration date then the use of the invention is opened to all interested parties.

Like the patent law the Copyright law on the other hand protects published and unpublished literature and other work of arts. According to the copyright patent trademark attorney in Latin America copyright protects anything you can see hear or touch and the law thus gives the creator the exclusive right to their work be it dance, photographs, music, graphics or HTML coding. It makes sense to mention here that Copyright starts as soon as the work is created and the work is turned into a tangible form. Copyrights also last for a long period of time.

As the copyright patent trademark attorney likes to put it - trademark law has been designed with the intention to let buyers know what they are buying. Typically it is a symbol or name that identifies a product that belongs to a specific company. Trademark infringement happens when a company uses either an identical or often a confusingly similar mark to the trademark. Talk to the copyright patent trademark attorney in Latin America to protect your IP rights better.

For more information please visit: http://www.moellerip.com

Monday, 15 June 2015

Rely on the legal experts for protecting intellectual property in Mexico

Studies reveal that the companies literally lose billion dollars each year due to misappropriation of their IP. It is however the best time to be wary of the ways to protect your property from patent infringement. If you are doing business in Latin America then it is more than necessary to rely on the legal experts for protecting intellectual property in Mexico.

Get it straight here; if you have a granted patent, and still somebody is using your invention, then that person is infringing your patent. You need to play your part well to protect your IP better. Talk to the intellectual property consulting in Colombia for creating IP strategies for you that actually work.

Understand the fact first – you should understand that patents are territorial rights and if you wish to protect your invention elsewhere, you will have to file corresponding applications for foreign patents. Not only this; you will also have to determine the fact whether or not a particular act infringes upon a patent. You should seek for intellectual property consulting services in Brazil in protecting intellectual property within the scope of a claim.

As the experts for protecting intellectual property in Mexico quite ideally puts it – in order to stop patent infringement you are entitled to apply to the Court for an injunction, for delivery up and for Damages or an account of profits.

You should only select a qualified Patent and trademark lawyers for foolproof intellectual property consulting in Colombia.

For more information please visit: http://www.moellerip.com

Friday, 5 June 2015

Hire only experienced and professional copyright patent trademark attorney Brazil

Let’s not deny; applying for copyright, patent and trademark is a complex process and it is recommended that you hire the copyright patent trademark attorney in Brazil if you’re applying for patent, trademark and copyright.

If you choose to follow that advice, here’s what you should know about hiring a patent attorney.

Take it in writing; the patent trademark attorney in Mexico are required to be the experts in IP Law as it pertains to securing and protecting an inventor’s property rights to a unique, useful and non obvious invention. The patent trademark attorney in Mexico is thus required to be the expert in one or more technical areas important to understanding clients’ inventions. This means; they should have earned a bachelor’s degree in a technical field of engineering or science, such as mechanical engineering, physics or biology.

With this comes the next important aspect – the selection of copyright patent trademark attorney in Brazil. While selecting the patent attorney, verify that the expert has passed the state bar exam!

One more important step – make sure that the attorney is licensed to practice. An attorney you are considering should have at least a few years of patent law experience. The expert should also be knowledgeable in the subject area related to copyrighting, trademark and patent.

At Moeller, their copyright patent trademark attorney in brazil, Mexico and other Latin American countries conduct equivalent and/or subject-matter searches of patent literature for issued or pending patents of interest throughout Latin America.

Filing patent and utility model applications in all Latin American countries through Moeller allows our clients to save translation costs. Of course they advise on the best strategy to protect your regional patent portfolio and manage national phases of PCT applications as well as direct filing in non-PCT countries.

For more information please visit: http://www.moellerip.com