Thursday, 31 March 2016

Plant variety protection in Latin America is more important than ever before

Yes; there is now more creativity than at any time in history. In today’s weightless economy IP thus stands as a significant factor. More patents and entrepreneurs attempting to market their products is indicative that there is more competition for successful placement. Managing intellectual property and especially plant variety protection in Latin America is therefore more important than ever before.

Yes; it is essential that entrepreneur's protect their inventions. As a matter of fact attempting to market an invention without covering the work with the shield of patent, trademark, copyright or trade secret protection indicates a frivolous approach and can never succeed. It thus makes sense to talk to a seasoned, skilled and experienced expert dealing with anti-counterfeiting in Latin with a proven track record.

IP nowadays stands as the major assets for many of the world’s most powerful companies the concept of providing customized and state of the art intellectual property services in Latin America has become mainstream.

The most widely known lP category is patents. Other categories include copyrights, trade secrets, trade marks, design rights and plant breeders' rights. In the emerging knowledge economy, lP has become a critical success factor hence you should at least look for intellectual property consulting services e for understanding your IP strategy. Industrial property services is thus a part of the wider body of law known as intellectual property.

Here are a few things to do when looking for intellectual property services and Regulatory affair services Latin America.

Get advice: Make sure you get expert advice on intellectual and industrial property services and how to get the most out of them.

Protect all your IP: You should protect all your IP and just not only the patent. This means; Trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets are all effective ways to protect aspects of your IP Get good translation of contracts: When trying to protect your IP in Latin America ensure you get a good and trustworthy translator who understands your business.

For more information please visit:

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Meet copyright patent trademark attorney brazil without any further delay

What should you do with your great idea? You should protect it. Yes; it is all about managing intellectual property and protecting your rights.

As things stand now; hiring intellectual property consulting services has gained mammoth attention. They say “if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem will look like a nail.” This means you should look for customized help. Talk to the copyright patent trademark attorney in Brazil to learn what tools are appropriate for each case.

Patent Law is typically the strongest form of Intellectual Property. This is typically because the Patent law based upon a strict liability standard and under the law the only question is whether someone infringed on the claims of the patent.

The law for managing intellectual property is complex and you indeed need to be represented by an experienced patent trademark attorney Mexico for protecting your rights in the area.

On the other hand; if you have written a description of your product or service offering, an article or a book, or a journal entry or research study then you should arrange to protect with the help pf the copyright law. Possibly by now you know this; copyright protects original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and intellectual works from duplication, unauthorized use, production and display.

The trademark law also needs a noteworthy mention here. Based on the strength of the mark, a competitor may be able to fashion a similar mark. You should hire seasoned intellectual property consulting services. In fact the copyright patent trademark attorney in Brazil has to take professional training from a recognized Institute for appearing in the patent, trademark agent examination.

Our goal is to offer our clients a regional overview and design a suitable strategy according to their needs and resources. We file patent, utility model, industrial design and trademark applications. We register domain names, handle contracts of transfer of technology and similar documentation in all Latin American countries.

For more information please visit:

Friday, 4 March 2016

Managing intellectual property risks is a growing challenge

In today’s business environment when companies are to a great extent depending on the weightless economy, economic success is thus driven by intellectual property. This is where the whole concept of managing intellectual property in the region comes into play.

Within the Latin American region it’s estimated that intellectual property accounts for a higher percentage of the value of the market capitalization than their tangible assets. This is also why the companies of different sizes are realizing that future and sustained business growth. Looking for intellectual property consulting services therefore stands as the need of the hour.

Managing intellectual property risks is a growing challenge for companies across all industries. Businesses and organizations are at greater risk if IP is not managed and protected well. Intangible business assets and other IP thus should be protected.

It is important to mention here that intellectual property happen around us every day. In order to get the big-picture idea, consider intellectual property as consisting of four different types of assets such as reputation, patents, copyright and trademarks.

If you are serious about managing and protecting intellectual property then it simply makes sense to look for intellectual property consulting services in Brazil.

Talk to a reputed law firm specializing in a complete range of Intellectual Property and Regulatory Affairs services throughout Latin America to protect your IP better. Their specially developed flexible system of consolidated services allows the law firm to achieve the perfect balance between high-quality and cost-efficient work for the whole region.

For more information please visit: